
Friday, October 28, 2011

Trick or Treat

 The following Pics are of the crocheted Batman belt and Bella's crocheted crown.

Shoes, Shoes and more Shoes

Ok so I don't know if I'm the only person with this problem but with a family of five we have an abundance of shoes.  These shoes seem to be everywhere except when you are looking for a pair for one of the kids.  Then there is only one shoe for each of 5 pair NO MATCHES  ......  I don't understand don't they take both shoes off at the same time.  I have tried many different bins and organizers.  Keeping them in there own closets is a joke.  I found this pic of a shoe organizer from Ikea that I have to have.  They still will leave there shoes everywhere but this will solve the overflowing shoe crates.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Free Printables------- Love this site

I absolutely love this site.  I especially love these great callenders that she designs.  I make multiple copies and place one on the fridge, and usually one in the front of a binder.

Boys Owl Hat

I finally completed my Boys Owl Hat it is a size 2T-3T and is forsale for $24.00. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

more Quotes I love

Quotes and sayings that I love

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spiked and Toasted Root Beer

     OMG I've got to make this it looks so yummy!                                                                                             Spiked and Toasted Root Beer
1 cup spiced rum 4 cups root beer, chilled 12 to 16 large marshmallows Hide Preparation In each of 4 glasses, pour 1/4 cup rum. Fill each with cold root beer. Garnish top of each glass with marshmallows. Using kitchen torch, lightly toast tops of marshmallows. Serve with straws. Makes 4 serving

Favorite finds from Pinterest

 Great Fall decor idea!
Love this!

 This is the coolest idea for an old trampoline
Yum Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake.